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Carla Subirana

Walk your idea

Offering your own work to others is an act of trust that requires real courage.
Telling is Listening – Ursula K. Le Guin

If you have an IDEA that haunts you, and you’ve never given yourself space to develop it, I invite you to go on a journey.


WALK YOUR IDEA through a wonderful landscape and find inspiration in the waters of the river or in the stones on the path.


The most interesting projects are often directly linked with the life of their creator, with her personal universe or with the images and recollections that make up her memory and identity.


If you have a project in mind, but you don’t know where to start or how to approach it; or perhaps you’ve got lost in the maze of the creative process, or you simply want to discover where your intuition will take you and expand your expressive resources, this pioneer workshop is for you. I’ll teach you to plant the SEED that will clear the path where you will explore the source from which your creativity sprouts.

So as not to lose the thread of what we really want to explain and to discard the noise that can hinder the creative path, the key is in exploring with curiosity, going deeper into the aesthetic and stylistic themes that arouse our genuine interest.


Drawing from the experiences and comments of fellow travelers, living a communal experience walking though an inspiring landscape is an adventure that will lead us to be aware of what we’re looking at and how we look, from where we are doing it, and how we transfer our look to what we want to tell.


The basis of the WALK YOUR IDEA workshop is to delve into the magma of ideas in order to draw the map of your main interests and obsessions; I’ll help you to plant the SEED of your proposal, to give continuity to that idea which will act as a solid basis of the project you want to develop or I will simply accompany you in walking that idea in freedom, enjoying the journey without looking for a specific result.




Walking and sharing our idea forms part of the creative journey that I am proposing to you. We will put visual and narrative exercises into practice and make use of INTROSPECTION AND REFLECTION techniques as tools for transforming and creating a conscious creative process.


We’ll walk, we’ll have experiences, we’ll observe closely and then we’ll pool our experiences, sharing our way of looking. What will we focus on? From where will we build the story?




WALK YOUR IDEA is a program open to all women who feel a creative impulse and are interested in developing an idea, consciously observing the process and setting out the bases of their project. You only need to be open to starting this double journey: the path of introspection and the courage to share the adventure.


Enjoy the walk!

Carla Subirana



More information


Workshop: Walk your idea / Designed and directed by Carla Subirana


Day 1: Introduction. Act of trust and courage. Sharing the IDEA. Red lines. Photo memory.


Day 2: I walk. I look outwards. The exterior world. Creating, narrating from an image.


Day 3: I walk in silence. I look inwards. My landscape. Creating, narrating from an image + experience + HEART + Dragons.


Day 4: Is there any trace of me in what I want to explain? Or am I observing from outside? I wait for the wave in my mind. I write.


I go back to my idea. I am aware of the material with which I create. I listen to the rhythm of my story.


Day 5: Conclusions. Sealing the commitment to myself. A room of one’s own.