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Carla Subirana

Carla Subirana - Barcelona 1972


Carla Subirana is a director and screenwriter. She also lectures in film direction in the Faculty of Media Studies in Blanquerna Faculty of Communication, Barcelona, and teaches in various universities.


She is the creative director of the audiovisual supporting program Push Lab


Her cinema moves between documentary and fiction, as can be seen in her debut, SWIMMING (2008), an autobiographical film that deals with historical and personal memory.  The award-winning film has screened at several international festivals, and is  the object of study in universities such as Harvard, UMass and Cardiff University, among others, due to its particular way of narrating and the multiple thematic axes it addresses.



Her second film, FLYING (2012), premiered at the SEFF (Seville European Film Festival). It was nominated for the Gaudí Awards and achieved the historic milestone of being the first documentary ever filmed in a Spanish military academy.



KANIMAMBO (2012), which received a Special Jury Mention at the Malaga Film Festival, and ATMA (2016), starring the dancer NURIA GUIU, constituted her first foray into both short film and fiction. Atma won the Cinedanza National Award at Fiver 2017.



Subirana has been project evaluator for Proimágenes Colombia as well as a jury member at several national and international festivals. In addition, she has written and directed television documentaries for TVE, TV3 and BTV, national and regional channels.



On her journey of exploration around the origin of ideas and the creative process, Carla has shared her experience by teaching creativity workshops on THE ORIGIN OF IDEAS for film students at UDK (Berlin University of the Arts) or the University of Massachusetts Amherst, among others institutions.



The figure of woman is central to her work as filmmaker. As such, Subirana has participated in multiple round tables focused on cinema and gender and she is a member of CIMA (Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media?) and a founding partner of the association Dones Visuals (Visual Women), working to achieve parity in the film industry. In 2018, she designed and directed the ACCIÓ VIVER program for women filmmakers with the aim accompanying them on cinematographic features and documentary films from script to production and direction.


Awards and mentions:

  • SWIMMING Award for Best Documentary Feature, INQUIET Film Festival, Valencia.
  • SWIMMING and FLYING  nominated for best documentary at the Gaudí Awards of the Catalan Film Academy.
  • KANIMAMBO received a Special Jury Mention at the Malaga Film Festival.
  • ATMA was selected for the Seville European Film Festival, Inshadow Festival Lisbon, Barcelona International Film Festival and D’A Film Festival Barcelona, among others.
  • ATMA won the Cinedanza National Award at Fiver 2017.
  • SICA has been selected for the GENERATION 14plus Section at the Berlinale

As a jury member or project evaluator:

  • Subirana has been a project evaluator for Proimágenes Colombia as well as a jury member at several national and international festivals. Selection committee for Acció Viver de Dones Visuals. Selection committee for Acció Curts de Dones Visuals. Jury member at the Malaga Festival, Seville European Film Festival, Tetouan Mediterranean Film Festival, Aguilar de Campoo International Short Film Festival, Pepón Coromina Award from Acadèmia Cinema Català and Miradas doc, among others.

Participation in round tables

  • Intruders: the filmmaker’s gaze within a framework of male hegemony (Drac Màgic and D’A)

  • SWIMMING and History (Museu Història de Barcelona)
  • Series of conversations around SWIMMING in Zacatecas, San Luis de Potosí and Aguascaliente (Mexico), Niemeyer Center and Fundació La Caixa (Spain), among others.
  • Spanish Cinema: Gender and Age Studies, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
  • Analyzing SWIMMING from a gender perspective. Master in Women, Gender and Citizenship Studies. Caterina Riba
  • Talking about Joaquín Jordá. University of Massachusetts Amherst with Barbara Zecchi

As director and scriptwriter of television documentary:

  • JUPITER I MART, 2016 (7 min) ROOM 33 C33 Televisió de Catalunya

  • EL MEU AVI, 2001 (4 episodes of 25 min) Televisió de Catalunya

  • IF YOU UNDERSTAND ME…, 2000 (25 min) TVE Gran Angular

  • INSIDE THE SCHOOL OF BABEL, 2000 (26 min) TVE Gran Angular

  • WHERE IS PETER PAN?, 1999 (30 min) Barcelona Televisió.

  • WILLIAM KENTRIDGE. EXHIBITION AT THE MACBA (30 min) Barcelona Televisió, 1999


  • CHILDREN IN ADVERTISING (53 min) Barcelona Televisió, 1998