The seed - The origin of my idea.
Who am I and what do I want to create? What do I film? What do I want to explain? Why? Are there themes that haunt me? What are my creative tools? Am I aware? What trace is there of me in what I want to explain…?
You have a project in mind, but you don’t know where to start or even how to approach it, or perhaps you’ve got lost in the maze of the creative process, or you simply want to discover where your intuition will take you and expand your visual and narrative resources, then this pioneer workshop is for you. In this workshop I will teach you to plant the SEED that will clear the path where you will explore the source from which your creativity sprouts.
The most interesting projects often have a direct link with the life of their creator, with her personal universe or with the images and recollections that make up her memory and identity.
So as not to lose the thread of what we really want to explain and to discard the noise that hinders the creative path, the key lies in exploring with curiosity, going deeper into the aesthetic and stylistic themes that arouse our genuine interest, feeding the process by letting it draw from the experiences and comments of your fellow travelers.
The SEED workshop’s proposal is to SHARE and delve into the magma of ideas in order to draw the map of your main interests and obsessions. The objective is to plant the SEED that will act as the foundation and scaffolding of the project you want to develop, and also as a solid reasoning to give continuity to your ideas.
Often, the process of developing a project becomes a solitary path and on that journey we forget or lose sight of what was the ORIGIN OF THE IDEA.
The first step to discard the noise is to identify what was the SEED that originated the project. Understanding what there is of YOU in what you want to tell is essential in order to work without losing sight of the essence, which will be what guides us through the creative maze.
Methodology: We will work around the origin of your project, tackling it through various techniques such as play, reflection, memory, recollections, photography, analyzing images and films, keywords, music, automatic writing, collage and, above all, intuition.
It’s intended for: Women who want to explore their creativity and professional creators of content (fiction and documentary, both shorts and features) and also all kinds of artistic and expressive narrative languages.
It is also intended for creators who have an idea and are looking for the necessary tools to develop it.
The Seed Workshop Feedback
Very interesting. It inspired me and I enjoyed it very much. The fact that we all participated and shared projects, scenes, photos helped me focus on my project.
Miriam A.
It helped me to have more confidence. Excellent!
Montse F.
I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences. It creates a sense of community.
Conversations, sharing experiences. Sharing books, films… It made me reflect on my project at a technical and conceptual level.
Marta E.
On a more personal level, I’ve been trying to get out of my comfort zone for some time now, but I hadn’t thought about it in terms of projects. Now I am clear that the red lines must also be crossed in the ideas that I propose to write.
Aina F.