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Carla Subirana


SICA - Carla Subirana

Berlin Generation Title ‘Sica’ Swooped On by Latido Films (EXCLUSIVE) In the run-up to February’s Berlin Film Festival, Madrid-based Latido Films has pounced on “Sica,” the fiction feature debut of Carla Subirana, one of a hard-to-miss vibrant new generation of Barcelona-based women directors and producers now galvanizing the Catalan film scene.   In a frequent alignment between the two companies, […]



“There is an unhealthy curiosity in the way he watches a young warrior recovering from a mishap, waking up in the woods, beginning to wake up, getting her body moving again, resurrecting from an unexpected false death, as if the closed worlds of the other films opened up here to another dawn, to a blinding […]



Mozambique conquers Malaga “Three perspectives on Mozambique, three personal visions, three different stories. It’s is Kanimambo, the feature film that is half documentary, half fiction, which will open on Monday presented in the official section of the Malaga Film Festival and which is run by Abtelafif Hwidar, Carla Subirana and Adán Aliaga. The three filmmakers […]


Volar - Carla Subirana

Review – Carlos losilla in CAIMAN CULTURES – La Vanguardia Review – La Vanguardia LLuís Bonet


NADAR - Carla Subirana

Swimming (2008) Carla Subirana Cultures – La Vanguardia PRESS El punt imma merino Segre Trends -El Mundo Canvi16 interview – Carla Subirana – CAT Cahiers du cinema  Las vanguardias el mundo Variety ANOTHER PUBLICATIONS Ryan Prout article on Nedar Publications about the filmography of Carla Subirana Confronting Silence and Memory in Contemporary Spain: The Grandchildren’s […]