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Carla Subirana

Walk your idea

Walk your idea Offering your own work to others is an act of trust that requires real courage. Telling is Listening – Ursula K. Le Guin If you have an IDEA that haunts you, and you’ve never given yourself space to develop it, I invite you to go on a journey.   WALK YOUR IDEA […]

The Seed

The seed – The origin of my idea. Who am I and what do I want to create? What do I film? What do I want to explain? Why? Are there themes that haunt me? What are my creative tools? Am I aware? What trace is there of me in what I want to explain…? […]


SICA - Carla Subirana

‘Sica’ (14) is obsessed that the sea will return her father’s body after a shipwreck on the Costa da Morte (Coast of Death), Galicia. While she walks the cliffs she meets a boy, Suso (15), the Storm Chaser, as weird as she is, who is waiting for the arrival of Ofelia, the mother of all […]



ATMA is a warrior who, after losing a battle, appears in the woods, almost dead. Forgotten by her army, she decides to shed the armor that has protected her body and set out on the path that will take her to the final surrender, to victory. Between story and performance, Carla Subirana illustrates a metaphor […]



The director will travel to Mozambique in search of Madalena, the protagonist in her film and the essence of the Mozambique woman, whom she met on a first research journey. “Subirana admirably mingles the still image of her photographs, her own voiceover and the disarming truth transmitted by those frank, beautiful faces she meets with […]


Volar - Carla Subirana

Life at the academy, military training and their squared norms. The new young military barracks promotion San Javier, Murcia, captures the look of sober Subirana camera, attached to the skin and the gestures of the recruits as they prepare to fly. Looking closely, as one, who later will only be numbers and indistinguishable faces, embarked […]


NADAR - Carla Subirana

Three generations of women face a secret kept for years. A grandfather shot in 1940 will be the starting point of an investigation that narrates a personal journey and reflects on the loss of family and collective memory. In a few words,the search for one’s own identity. This personal documentary – or a documentary disguised […]